Upcoming events.
Untitled Event
13.1. Swing Dance night (plesni večer)
14.1. Mile Žojan+vokal
17.1. Petra Onderuf trio
Marko Črnčec Trio (Without Words: Mojmir Sepe)
Vabimo Vas, da se nam pridružite na koncertu ob izidu plošče Without Words: Glasba Mojmirja Sepeta, ki jo bo na odru Jazz Kluba Kazina predstavil Trio Marka Černčeca. Vstopnice so na voljo na povezavi:
Edina: vokal in kitara
Pridružite se nam na sproščenem večeru v družbi Nine (vokal, flavta) in Markota (kitara)
Kazina Kvizina: Don Kvizot Pub Quiz
Koliko planetov ima Osončje? Kdo je napisal Vojno in mir? V katerem letu je padel berlinski zid? Če imaš odgovore na ta vprašanja, potem si pripravljen na naš Pub kviz! Pridruži se nam v torek, 21.8.2024, ob 18.00 v lokalu Kazina. Testiraj svoje znanje in se zabavaj z nami!
Skupine do 3-5 oseb se lahko prijavite na info@kazina-ljubljana.com
Prijavnina znaša 20€ na skupino
Vid Šketa Trio
Zasedba: Vid Šketa, trobenta Shimon Gambourgh, kontrabas Juš Kvaternik, bobni
Vid Šketa bo v Jazz Klub Kazina pripeljal prav posebno zasedbo. Poseben gost, ki se bo pridružil triu je New Yorški kontrabasist Shimon Gambourgh, ki aktivno sodeluje z Miguelok Zenonom in Vincentom Herringom, z Vidom pa igrata v Franciji. Na bobnih se jima bo pridružil eksplozivni Juš Kvaternik, vzhajajoča zvezda slovenske glasbene scene. Obeta se odličen jazzovski večer v romantičnem vzdušju Jazz Kluba Kazina.
Nakup vstopnic je možen v Jazz Klubu Kazina.
Vstopnina: 3€
Na dan dogodka: 5€
Komboz Jazz night
🎷 **Komboz Jazz Night at Kazina Jazz Club & Bistro🎷
Join us for an unforgettable evening of live music at our Komboz Jazz Night! We are thrilled to host two talented student bands from the prestigious Jazz Academy as they present their original compositions and classic jazz standards.
🗓️ **Date:** 05.06.2024
🕒 **Time:** 19:30
📍 **Location:** Kazina Jazz Club & Bistro, Kongresni trg 1
Come and experience the vibrant energy and exceptional talent of these young musicians. Whether you're a jazz aficionado or just looking for a great night out, Komboz Jazz Night promises to be an event filled with soulful tunes, improvisational brilliance, and an atmosphere that's second to none.
Don't miss this chance to support the future stars of jazz and enjoy an evening of great music, delicious drinks, and a fantastic vibe. See you there!
**Kazina Jazz Club & Bistro – Where the Music Lives**
Big Band Concert
We are delighted to invite you to an extraordinary evening of live music with the renowned Big Band of the Academy of Music of the University of Ljubljana. Join us for an unforgettable concert filled with captivating melodies and exhilarating performances.
Experience the magic of one of the finest big bands in Slovenia as they perform a diverse repertoire of jazz and swing classics. This is a night not to be missed!
We look forward to sharing this musical journey with you.
"Experience the opening of Kazina Jazz Club & Bistro in Ljubljana! Indulge in complimentary coffee all day long, get to meet our team, enjoy one of Slovenia’s best barman's creations, embark on a journey through our diverse selection of wines from around the world and savor an evening concert.